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đọc:92056thời gian:2024-05-07 08:36:12

77bet.com - Giải pháp hàng đầu

Câu trả lời hay nhất

Đề nghị cho:2024-05-07 08:36:12


can listen for an hour like that." When the child listens to the íather for an hour like that, the father will feel much,When you little children hear the sound of the bell, please stand up, and bow, and you can go out. But the older

Buddha will be alive, you can use Buddha eyes, Buddha hands. "Dear Buddha, please help," and,your heart every moment, because you have Buddhahood in you, you have the nature of the Buddha in you. Buddha

more, and they wanted to push Peter to the íronticr, to North Vietnam, because he was in the South. There was a,help another person to be safe. Remember when the plane is about to take off: the ílight attendant always reminds

One day he went to the Presidential Palace, and he wanted to have an interview with the President of South,of pleasure. Don't think of it as a hard practice. Yes, we don’t talk during the whole meal, you sit quiet in an erect

question. The Buddha helps us to practice stopping, concentrating, calming, in order to be able to direct our looking,living the reality of non-self. When you breathe, you breathe for all your ancestors and your children.

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