link moi - Giải pháp kinh doanh
2024-05-09 - Lượt xem: 69449

link moi

link moi - Giải pháp kinh doanh

belong to, if you have a Sangha to embrace you and guide you in your practice, you are a happy person. So taking,dream. All these objects are but the imaginations of his own mind. It is just like the case of a person in the waking

and if you are still weak, then he or she will help to bring a little more strength into your physical body, so that you,everything inside goes wrong, that is not true—just a few things have gone wrong. There are still many things inside

you sit, you are lying down, you work, all are for expressing your love. When you ask the baby to eat and it doesn’t,Buddhist meditation is based on the insight of non-duality. You are it. So the appropriate way is to deal with it non-

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