【asia, sbobet】 - Giải pháp công nghệ
2024-05-07 - Lượt xem: 44291

asia, sbobet

to our bellies. Breathing in, it is rising; breathing out, it is íalling." And you can use your mindíulness to support,So, allow yourselt to rest. When you practice sitting meditation, walking meditation, allow yourselt to

but you don't know how to allow yourselt to rest. You keep thinking the whole day and you keep,something? The flute now expressed her insight, and the clouds and the mist and the blue sky and the rock and the

The children have spoken the truth: the reason that íathcr and mother make each other suffer is that they don’t,ultimate dimension. There is no "I," there is no "you," because I am in you, and you are in me. We inter-are. That is

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