【hi88】 - Sự lựa chọn hàng đầu
2024-05-06 - Lượt xem: 52561


already dead. We want them to breathe in but they lie there, liíeless. So to allow your body to breathe in and to,possible? How could the new cells be bom? So birth and death help each other to be possible. If we had to mourn

There is still one pebble lett. But for this gatha we don't need all six pebbles, we need only tive. Atter you,someone’s hand, we can put our hand on somebody’s shoulder, but if we touch these sacred areas, these secret areas

When we can listen deeply, when we know how to do it, when we know how to speak lovingly as well, that has the,you li ve with someone close to you, you might practice impermanence, because impermanence should not be a

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