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2024-05-07 09:18:14
from yourselt. You cannot love yourselt, you cannot accept yourselt. But if you know how to look atSo this is a cake that I want to transmit to you today, a cake that never disappears. This kind of cake isleft in the mind by the previous Jagrat Avastha or waking State. Hence it is called Antah-prajna.
Bác sĩ tim mạch giảm 14 kg nhờ ăn thuần chay — VNA/VNS Photo

Mẹo giảm tần suất ốm ở trẻ nhỏ khi thời tiết lạnh, ẩm

world is a mass of electrons that are in constant rotation and change.Raja Janaka ruled over the country of Videha. He was once reclining on a sofa. It was the middle of the day in the

you can say, "Daddy, breathe, smile, relax," and then life in the automobile will be much more pleasant.a bad dream according to his own choice, he, being in his present State of bondage, ignorant of the 1'uturc. The

expose not only its unreality, but also the unreality of the waking State. Thus the sage leads us to the Supremeunknown to the waking consciousness. Saints and sages appear in dreams at times of difficulty and show the way.